Saturday 25 April 2009

Fat Pigs...

Talk about pigs having their snout in the trough...

Fatty politician, Eric Pickles admitted on question time that he claims a second home allowance as his primary home is 37 miles away from Westminster. He claimed that this is due to having to turn up on time for work... put it this way, if I'm late I get sacked, if he is late he gets a free house!!!!

This is following on from countless claims from other politicians for second homes, porn, patio heaters, teddy bears and TVs...

If its not illegal, it surely should be, and at the very least it is unethical.

We live in a period where banks have been able to make completely stupid investments, because politicians deregulated the UK banking system. Where the average worker is being told they are to be made redundant or at best take a pay cut, or below inflation pay awards... at the same time politicians pay, expenses and pensions are all rising at above inflation. If you were an average worker and had performed as badly as MPs have, you'd be sacked. And yet, they're all still there??

May I suggest a similar approach to the French policy to their royal family... a guillotine in Trafalgar Square would be great fun ;)